The Disciple Maker‘s Podcast
The Disciple Makers Podcast exists to tell stories about disciples of Jesus who make disciples., who sponsors the podcast, exists to Champion Jesus‘ way of disciple making. Episodes are published in thematic seasons. To learn more, visit or email us at
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Cindy and Carmelita from The Bonhoeffer Project talked with us about the importance of taking care of our souls and making sure we're Spirit-full before pouring into others. Otherwise, we will burn out quick.
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Dan Leitz and Jim Thomas from The Bonhoeffer Project talk about the importance of defining the terms we're using while discipling other or else we might end up confusing our people later on down the road.
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Bill Hull (co-founder of The Bonhoeffer Project) talked to us about the difference in the mental assent Gospel and the real Gospel and how we need to have a higher calling on ourselves and those we are discipling to make sure we're aware upfront of the costs involved in following Jesus.
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
In this episode, David Roadcup of TCM International shares the utmost importance of spiritual formation inside of ourselves, our leaders, and the members of our church. We can't just convert people to Christ, we have to help them let the Holy Spirit transform their lives from the inside out to look like Christ.
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
In this episode, David Roadcup of TCM International exhorts us to spend time in prayer before we begin discipling others, and how to begin your small group with the expectation that everyone will one day lead their own discipleship group.
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
In this episode, David Roadcup of TCM International walks us through seven of the absolute most critical elements of Jesus’ method of discipleship and gives us practical examples of how to do this in real life.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
David Roadcup from TCM International talked with us about Discipling for Transformation and Reproduction. In this episode he dives into why and how to keep yourself spiritually full in order to disciple people well.
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
The smallcircle mobile and web app is listed on the Top 10 list of tools by This session will unfold the smallcircle app which is making an impact around the world. The smallcircle app is a free download and can be found on both Google and Apple app stores. Find out how technology can be a strong asset in every disciple-making setting. Download the app here.
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
A disciple is not made through information transfer. No one knew this better than Jesus. For example, imagine integrating real life experiences (we call them labs) in disciple-making like Jesus did when he asked Peter to get out of the boat. Do you think Peter ever forgot that experience? You will walk out of this session with a broad collection of real-life labs that you can build into your disciple-making experience. These labs will lift your disciple-making way beyond information transfer. Check out to find free disciple-making tools to help you along your way.
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
In this session Steve McCoy (smallcircle) shares some practical tools specifically designed to help the everyday person in your church become involved in disciple-making at an in-depth level. You can get these tools for FREE at
New Resource on Disciple Making Culture!
A disciple making church culture is what your church actually does in disciple making; strategy is your plans on paper. Unfortunately, while we have good intentions to make disciples, our strategy and church culture do not always line up.
Read this 10 minute book – a visual summary – and share it with your leaders so everyone can better understand what it means to have a disciple making culture.
Watch the recordings from our most Recent National Disciple Making Forum
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
The Harvard Business Review describes it this way: “The values, beliefs and behaviors practiced in an organization formed over time because they are rewarded or punished (i.e. by formal or informal rules, rituals, and behaviors.”
The McKinsey Institute put it more simply: “culture is how we do things around here …”
That statement, often attributed to the most influential management guru of our time, Peter Drucker. What Drucker meant by “culture eats strategy for breakfast” was that lasting change in an organization comes only when the culture of an organization changes. Applying this to church, if you do not change the culture of a church, the church will not change.
Many leaders fail to account for this reality.
This gets at the root of why our disciple making plans can so easily fail. We try great strategies—preaching on disciple making, small groups, D-Groups, etc. But our churches will not change—indeed cannot change—because “culture” easily defeats the strategies we adopt.