Monday Apr 15, 2024
Where Have All the Courageous Men Gone? (feat. Chris Harper)
We’re jumping into Betterman’s first track session from the recent Nashville City Tour, and we’ve got Chris Harper talking about Men, Manhood, and Faith. Chris tells us about the importance of journeying back to God's original design for manhood and masculinity. In case you haven’t noticed, our culture has time and time again tried to confuse men about what masculinity should look like. These culture changes have influenced the role of men within both family and the church. And as followers of Jesus, we need to return to Scripture to dictate what a REAL man is. Today Chris is going to give you some actionable steps to better engage and support men in their spiritual journeys, through the lens of worship, discipleship, and the significance of encouraging men within the church community.
Registration for our upcoming event – National Disciple Making Forum (Disciple Making Culture).
For more information about BetterMan check out their website: https://betterman.com/
Key Takeaways
00:00 Diving Deep into Manhood and Masculinity
06:04 Addressing the Crisis of Modern Manhood
12:32 Unveiling the Four Types of Men in Today's Society
26:50 The Quest for Spirit-Initiated Men
30:04 Laying the Foundation for Transformation
32:33 The Power of Podcasts and the Importance of Reading the Bible
33:35 Understanding Biblical Schizophrenia: A Multi-Faceted Approach to Scripture
36:20 The Crisis of Male Loneliness and the Search for Community
38:02 Building Meaningful Male Friendships: Strategies and Insights
41:40 Encouraging Men in the Church: A Call to Action
44:55 Addressing the Cultural Shift and Reclaiming Masculinity in the Church
44:55 Navigating the Complexities of Manhood and Spiritual Warfare
44:55 Leveraging Technology and Community for Men's Ministry
44:55 Closing Thoughts and Personal Connections
Check out these Free Ebooks:
Disciple Making Culture 10 Minute E-Book
Disciple Making Culture Visual Guide
Interested in Audio books? Here are a couple of great options:
Audio Book Becoming a Disciple Maker
Audio Book National Sutdy on Disciple Making