Monday Jan 08, 2024
Disciple Making Culture Launch (feat. Bart Shaw, Renee Sproles, and Bobby Harrington)
“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast.” In this kick off episode Bobby Harrington with guests Renee Sproles and Bart Shaw delve deep into the topic on disciple making culture. They discuss the need to create a culture that values Bible reading, memorization, sharing of faith, and personalized interactions. They also emphasize the important role of beliefs, behaviors, and narrative in shaping this culture. Additionally, they highlight the challenges in shifting from a consumer to a producer mindset within religious communities.
Watch the Video:
Key Takeaways:
If you are interested in reading Discipleship.org’s blog post on Why Culture of a Disciple Making Church is so important click here: https://discipleship.org/bobbys-blog/why-is-the-culture-of-a-disciple-making-church-so-important/
If you are interested in reading an article on disciple making in the Megachurch click here: https://renew.org/disciple-making-in-the-megachurch/ Finally for access to the National study on disciple making in the USA churches click this link: https://discipleship.org/shop/national-study-on-disciple-making-in-usa-churches/
Link to Disciple Making Culture Visual Guide: https://discipleship.org/shop/disciple-making-culture-visual-introduction/
Join us this May for our 2024 National Disciple Making Forum