Monday Jan 22, 2024
Habits and Discipline in a Disciple Making Culture (feat. Anthony Walker)
“A disciple learns to follow, follows to learn, but never arrives.” Today on our series on Disciple Making culture Matt Dabbs and Anthony Walker delve into how discipline language and behavioral shifts can impact their ministry. They explore their past experiences, learning processes, and future aspirations concerning discipleship. They also discuss how people can adopt simple habits to enact discipleship more effectively. This script underscores the importance of following and learning from Christ consistently.
Interested in becoming a disciple maker: check out this resource: https://discipleship.org/shop/becoming-a-disciple-maker/?fbclid=IwAR2knNZym61NqhRxerlynH6Pz1KNdWkXDBCnGvVN5wSIoojlHKhCFu7Cud4
Also you can take our individual disciple maker assessment: https://church-multiplication.com/disciplemaker/
Watch The Video
Key Takeaways:
00:00 Introduction and Guest Presentation
06:20 The Journey of Discipleship
08:23 The Role of Obedience in Discipleship
10:00 The Impact of Discipleship on Personal Life
16:58 The Challenge of Discipleship Among Adults
24:09 The Importance of Competency in Discipleship
25:41 The Role of Ordinary People in Spreading the Gospel
34:16 The Consequences of Ignoring Spiritual Promptings
40:04 The Need for Collaboration Between Church and Marketplace
44:21 The Journey of Discipleship
45:41 Closing Remarks and Future Plans